I am always skeptical when there are reports of big snow storms coming. I feel like people usually get all hyped up, all the milk and bread disappears from stores, people cancel plans and then nothing happens. This time I was totally wrong. We actually got more than they were calling for. There is something so sweet about snow that forces the world to stop and relax. Snow doesn't care about the places you were scheduled to fly, the things on your "to do" list or the people you were scheduled to see. It just comes and with it brings a sort of childlike excitement and wonder. You can't do a thing about it except watch it fall. It presents you with a choice to get annoyed about the places you can't go and the people you won't see or you can sit back and listen to the laughter of children sledding and the enjoyment of a good nap on a snowy day. Today we chose to just surrender and savor all the little joys the day provided.
Being stuck at home provided the perfect opportunity to spend the day as a family. O got his first sled last week from our dear friends the Gormans. What divine timing! We took him out in it today and pulled him up and down the sidwalks and the empty, snow-covered streets. He had a big smile on his face as he rode along and ran his hands through the fluffy snow. This time out in the snow instead of crying the whole time like he did back in December, he lasted for 20 minutes before deciding that the big poofy coat and pants he had on were just too much to bear. Bri spent 2 hours shoveling out our cars while O and I played inside. Bri did manage to take a break and come up to the door so we could feed him a handful of M&M's for some "shoveling energy". :) Of course, O and I had to eat a few as well because it is hard work watching someone shovel so much snow!
Right now we are waiting to put O to bed and then we are going to bake cookies and watch a movie. We already found out that church is cancelled tomorrow so we have another relaxing day on the horizon. I am soooo ready for sunshine and warm weather but I am thankful for this little break in the midst of a busy month.
ha! great energy vitamins!!! i can't believe all that snow. i felt like i should go buy bread and milk just hearing and reading about it all over the place today!
What a great perspective and so very true!!! :) although I don't have snow here in FL it will definitely make me think next I do or the next time it rains and changes plans! :)
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