Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So Owen got to visit his future alma mater this past weekend as Brynne and I took him to State College to see her mom, her Uncle Mike, Aunt Karen, cousin Willie, and her sister. We love to show him off and of course everyone has been more than willing to love on him. You'll see in some of the pictures that he is now smiling purposefully, and he's starting to wear "real" clothes, not just his newborn sleepers. This opens up a whole new realm of creativity for Brynne each morning as she picks out what he's going to wear, and gives me something to look forward to when we Skype at the end of the school day.

Side note: I started wearing sweaters to school over my shirt and tie this winter because I have a whole stack of them and they wouldn't have been worn otherwise (and it seriously cut down on having to iron all my shirts). Well for some reason my students got the greatest kick out of it and especially loved when I wore argyle. We even dubbed Thursdays "Argyle Thursdays." On occasion a few select students who weren't too cool to dress like their teacher would also wear argyle on Thursdays. Anyway, here's Owen doing his part to keep the tradition alive (my students will get to see these tomorrow and I know they're going to go crazy!).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Owen and Kelly

Last weekend my brother Tim and his wife Bethany were in town with their son Kelly. Kelly's a month older than Owen and this was their first chance to meet each other. My parents and my aunts Mary Carol and Terri were in town to witness the event also. Here are some highlights.