Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Home Stretch.....9 months down.....

We finally hit 36 weeks and have been told by our doctors that we can deliver safely from this point on! We can't tell you how much of a relief that was for us to hear. After consistently having contractions and having to cease being active for the last 19 weeks Brynne is enjoying the freedom of going for walks and cleaning the house again. We're thankful, however, for God bringing us through this time and for all that He has taught us about finding our true rest in Him.

The baby is as active as ever these days, and we are entertained daily by the lumps that we see protruding from and moving across Brynne's stomach. He seems to get the hiccups every hour practically which make us wonder why. Because, when I (Brian) think about it, I can't remember the last time I got the hiccups. Maybe it happens once a year.

We're continuing to prepare for the delivery by attending our birthing class and performing "birthing exercises" such as stretching and squatting. And by "we" I mean Brynne because other than not passing out, I'm not too worried about my own physical condition. As her belly has gotten bigger she's complained that the squats are getting harder and harder, which resulted in the following exchange:

Brynne: I don't like squatting, my belly gets in the way. I'm not sure how much longer I can do these.

Brian: Brynne, you can do it. Sumo wrestlers squat, so can you.

Fortunately for me, Brynne found this as funny as I did, and has successfully continued her squatting regiment.

The nursery is all but finished at this point. The furniture is in, shelves are hung on the walls and hooks hung on the door. I'm extremely thankful to have had a 2 week break from work to get all of this done and for my father-in-law's help on other house projects. Brynne and I enjoyed his visit and our visit to NJ with my family like we never have before. The next time we will see all of them will be as parents.

So now the countdown begins....

1 comment:

ktm said...

Brian & Brynne, Thank you for sharing the growing and getting ready stages so we can participate from miles away! Only a few weeks to go until the little guy arrives. May you enjoy these final days of pregnancy, get lots of rest, and have a safe & speedy delivery. love, Aunt Katy