Saturday, September 3, 2011


Two video highlights from our beach trip:
1) Owen loves singing...and playing his guitar...and playing drums...and playing harmonica...and clapping....and if he can't do them all at the same time he has no problem telling you to do one of them. Owen's lyrics usually include either "Hallelujah...Praise the Lord!!!" or some kind of jibberish that he makes up.

2) The Fort Fisher Aquarium was a lot of fun....especially when Owen could apply his Finding Nemo knowledge to the real fish right in front of him.


Mary Carol said...

woohoo! 2 blog updates! love all the pictures...especially the ones with Owen & the tractors! those things are gigantic! love seeing Reagan's smiley face...she is getting more beautiful! O is really looking older. love, love, love the video of him singing & playing guitar - i will be watching that over & over again for a while!

Bethany said...

Love the lyric, "I go outside to the beach" - so informative! Even if he doesn't like the beach that much at least he likes singing about it!