Saturday, December 13, 2008

Painting the Nursery

Some days it's more of a reality that I'm going to be a dad than others. Like getting married and planning a wedding, so much time is spent planning for and talking about the single event of the delivery, that it's easy not to think about life once the delivery is over. But tonight as I was painting the baby's nursery the reality hit me again. Painting the nursery-it's probably the most cliche scene from TV and movies to demonstrate the excitement and preparation for a couple's first baby, which is why I think in the middle of doing it the significance sunk in. I was more than happy to spend my entire Saturday doing something for my son. I felt like a real dad. I know that there will be plenty more "Saturdays painting the nursery" as he grows up and I can't help but feel honored. Honored that God created this little boy specifically for Brynne and I. Honored that I get to follow in the footsteps of my dad as a loving husband and father who demonstrated to his sons the sacrificial love of Christ. Honored that I get to tell my son the greatest story ever told and introduce him to Jesus. Jesus was a baby boy once too. He didn't have a nursery-He had a manger. I'm honored by God's humility that I get to give my son something not even the King of Kings had.

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