Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby McCutie is a boy!

Today we had our 20 week ultrasound. We both were convinced we were having a girl and were shocked to find out that we are actually having a little boy! After the initial shock has worn off we are really excited. Brian has already started to plan out all the things they are going to do together. My dad is convinced we need to train him to be left-handed so he can grow up to be a famous pitcher and make us all the big bucks, however, Uncle Chris is going to teach him how to be a punter because there is no easier way to break into professional sports. :) It was so awesome to watch him on the screen. We could see him suck his thumb and move his arms and legs. Below we have posted some pictures of this cutie. Now we just have to agree on a name...........
This is a picture of the baby sucking his thumb.

This was our favorite. Looks pretty cute. :)

This is a picture of the baby's feet. The baby's
right foot is turned sideways behind its left foot.


Melissa said...

1 - Does the baby have Spock ears?
2 - Is he really truly already sucking his thumb?! SO CUTE.
3 - Do you hate me for asking if your baby has Spock ears?
4 - When can I hold him?

Krista said...

the thumb sucking is adorable...
i couldn't stop staring at it, and thinking what a miracle that he can do that in there!
blessings on your little guy as he finishes his time in your belly!