The baby is doing well from everything we can tell. I have slowly started to feel better and think I may finally be moving out of feeling sick all the time. We are hoping I will get to feel the baby move in the next few weeks. As you can tell from the picture my belly has started to grow. We laugh because it seems to grow more as the day goes on and then goes back down again by the next morning. I am enjoying sleeping on my stomach while I still can. :) We are growing more and more excited to meet this little one. February can't seem to come fast enough.
The past month has been full of lots of fun things for the McHugh family. We went to the beach for a week and then to the McHugh's in NJ for the annual MIT Basketball tournament. Brian did not win but he also did not turn his ankle this year....a big plus! Brian got a new job teaching Calculus and Geometry at Pequea Valley High School. We have been overwhelmed at God's timely provision of this job. His first day of school was this past Monday and things went really well. The school is located in the heart of Amish country and Bri loves to tell people that it is in the lovely town of Intercourse, PA. I had to call HR to get insurance information and the woman I spoke to said there were already rumors circulating about the new good looking math teacher. Apparently my husband is now the "hot math teacher". :) Below is a picture of us from our beach trip.

Brian had a few days off in between jobs and we were able to do a lot of fun things. We started his break off by celebrating his 28th birthday. To celebrate we went into Philadelphia and I had the pleasure of having my first real Philly cheesesteak from Pat's. There are two famous places in Philly, Pat's and Gino's. They are right across the street from one another and there is serious competition between the two places. You have to make sure you know what you are doing when you order or you will get sent to the back of the line. Brian flawlessly told the guy behind the counter that we wanted two, wit, cheeze wiz. This meant we wanted two cheesesteaks with onions and the traditional fake cheese they slap on top. I was so hungry by the time we got there that I thought it was the best tasting meal I had feasted on in a long time. I think the baby liked it too. It was great to celebrate the life of my wonderful hubby in such a fun way.

I rounded out the summer by taking a fun trip to the beach with friends for a day and Bri got to