I looooove anything pumpkin flavored. Who can resist a good pumpkin cookie or a nice slice of pumpkin bread!? Someone was giving away neck pumpkins at church the other day and said they worked well for baking. I had never actually cooked a pumpkin and baked with it before. I always bought pumpkin in a can. I decided to try it and planned to make a chocolate pumpkin cake out of it.
These days Owen loves to pretend to cook. He pulls out all of our pots and pans and spoons and just goes to town "cooking". If you ask him what he is cooking he with either say "apples" or "eggs". I let him pull a chair up to the counter and help me with the cake. He had the best time. We just might have sampled slightly too much batter. :)
The cake turned out really good. I got the recipe off of allrecipes.com I am sort of obsessed with this website now. It has the best recipes and tons of reviews from people that have tried them. Yum!!